Thursday, August 25, 2005

Lost Vagueness - August - Pix Pt 1

Lost Vagueness was a great event, they took the 'Vague' part very seriously - so seriously, you never really knew, what time things were on.

The girls carrying the basket were selling strawberries and cream - and also look at how cute that couple were!!
I'll be posting more pix soon. x

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Birthday Bonanza

Coming up is -

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fabulous Frida Kahlo - Tate

I've waited 20 years to see Frida Kahlo's work up close, and it certainly doesn't disappoint. The only thing to spoil the experience was the crowds, who were in my way of seeing the pictures!!!

Incidentally, I got short shrift from the security geek, after taking this pic on the camera phone. Apologies to the Tate.

I'm incidentally thinking of having a Frida & Diego tea-party for my birthday (beginning of Sept) where everyone has to dress as either. Joining up your eyebrows to go uni-brow is obligatory! And get those faux flowers out for your hair.

Had a great day out in London, finally went across the wobbly Millennium Arup bridge. It was great seeing the archetectural beauty of London all tie up. I recommend the Tate thoroughly, the bookshop and the cafe were great too. You could spend spend spend. Especially the Frida Kahlo gift shop, where there were specially commissioned accessories designed with the inspiration of Miss Frida herself, all gorgeous.

Monday, August 08, 2005

New work

I've been busy busy busy. Here's my new work, Dxtr of course has been involved.

Allotment Girl

My first produce of the summer - which I enjoyed for dinner last night!

Incidentally I still haven't heard if the allotment police want to evict me from the site. Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Memories of last summer

Brean. Dxtr enjoys a good run on the beach. Typical Brean, it looks sunnier in the picture than it actually was.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

+ + + Hello World + + +

Until I get my wonderful photoblog up and running, this will just have to do. Welcome to the wonderful world of Miss b and her accomplice Dxtr.

Dxtr and I have been taking it easy recently.